Today in Sacrament Meeting one of the talks was given by a recent returned missionary. He told us the CPR of our souls. I was especially interested because lately I've felt like my soul has been aching. I felt like I needed to go to Church today but couldn't stay for all the meetings because of previously mentioned daughter with a broken knee that I'm being care-giver for. But I felt like I needed to go to Sacrament Meeting at least. So when the speaker started talking about CPR I sat up and took notice. (Maybe partly because our oldest son was a Paramedic.)
The CPR of our soul is simply: Church going; Prayer; and Reading the scriptures. If we do those things it will put us in a better frame of mind and help us in our daily lives. Breathe new life into us, save us, etc.
Now I think that was very interesting because yesterday I got a letter from an old friend that we met when we lived in Spain. She gave me this timely quote:
When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is:
Remember the teacher is always quiet during the test!
I hope these quotes will touch your soul as they have mine.
Have a great day/week ~Joyce