Wow I haven't posted for a while... not that I haven't missed you and wanted to be here - just didn't have time at first...
Our friends Chris & Jeanie from Oregon, came to visit and spend the week with us celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary... great friends, great times! We shopped and hung out talking and goofing off - then on Thursday, our actual anniversary day, we took Chris & Jeanie to the Temple in Mesa and did Sealings. Our daughter Tonya met us there too and we had a great time doing that. After we took Tonya home and changed we went to eat dinner at a quaint little restaurant we had never been to before but decided it was good enough that we would go back again. Good food and service. We left there and found a parking place for our car and hopped the Light-Rail to Phoenix. We walked the rest of the way to Dodge Theater from the train stop, where we had a first time experience seeing the Celtic Women perform... what a show they put on! We had great seats too. Fantastic!!! But they didn't allow camera's so we didn't get any pictures. Bummer! We got home late but our spirits were satiated by an awesome day.
Friday we went to Tucson, AZ where we went to the Air Museum and
explored the aircraft stored there from the war and other advents. Don was in the Air Force for 20+ years so this was a highlight of his day and he even got to take me on a plane ride. (see picture) We explored the Air Force 1 in storage there from past Presidents of the U.S. back when. The opulence wasn't near the quality that I'm sure is in the current Air Force 1, but it was fun touring it and all the other airplanes there and to hear about them. After our tour we went over to the Air Force Base and vouched Chris and Jeanie on with our ID's and shopped around in the BX before heading back home.
Saturday we had to take Chris and Jeanie to the airport so they could fly back to Oregon it was sad to see them go but our friendships were renewed and we were better for having had the week with them.
Now here I sit weeks later just putting another post. This Thursday my sister Shirley came to visit and we had a blast going all over town together. We first stopped and had lunch at Arby's in honor of our father. Daddy loved walking down to Arby's and getting a "sandwich" for his lunch then walking across the parking lot over to Dairy Queen where he would purchase a Dilly Bar then walk home eating it. This was a daily routine for the last couple years of his life, so Shirley and I decided that since it was the day of Daddy's birth that we would celebrate for him by going to his favorite place to eat. We later went to Dairy Queen and got a box of Dilly Bar's with my daughter Tonya then left her with the other three when we took her home. We shopped more and when the day was done and we had wished our daddy a happy birthday several times we came back to Maricopa and to Dairy Queen here and bought another box of Dilly Bar's to take home (which by the way cost a lot more here in Maricopa - go figure.) so we could have a week celebration for dad.
Well, we just about walked our legs off on Thursday so we decided to take it easy on Friday which ended up being a good thing because when I woke up Friday I was sick. This is not fun. I hate being sick. But I guess if you have to be sick this was a good time because I was able to take the time to do something I haven't done in a long time... read. Shirley and I sat across the room from each other reading our books, then putting them down and visiting, then picking them up reading again. I sat carefully because I kept getting dizzy, I had a huge headache and the whole nine yards of sickness with a cold. BUT I found a wonderful thing. My friend Linda told me in November to buy some Zicam and that if I started feeling like I was coming down with a cold to take the Zicam and it would keep me from getting sick or at least not so bad. I forgot I had it. But when I remembered I had Zicam I decided to try it and it helped greatly. Thanks Linda!
I didn't go to Church yesterday though because I still had a little cough once in a while and was afraid that IF I went into a coughing spell that people would think I had swine flu and would mass-move to the other side of the room, causing the building to tilt off its foundation. I had visions of people fleeing the church from all exits yelling, "Swine, swine; seu-ie, seu-ie" in their best pig calling fashion, running for their cars and leaving me sitting on the pew all alone with a Kleenex dangling from my nose. Yep, that thought kept me home. Such is life.
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