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ANWA Member since Oct. 2003 - Chapter President of "Write to the Point" writing group.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bugs, Lugs, & Hugs!

Now I swore I wouldn't take so long to post a blog again, but little did I know that I would have to eat my words due to bugs! No, I didn't eat any bugs - my computer came down with a plethora of bugs and I was daily battling Trojans trying to keep them from overtaking my whole PC! I won the battle after many wars! Yippee...

Next came the task of lugging my luggage up and down and all around. I went on a trip to Provo, Utah to the annual LDStorymakers Conference. We drove from Arizona with my sister Tina driving. Along on the ride and trip were three other amazing women, making a total of five of us in the truck. I also got to lug my heavy book-bag from class to class once we enrolled. Whew, I think I got arm muscles on this trip! But I had a blast-well worth the trip! I will post pictures of this trip on a forth-coming post.

Okay, then my back and shoulder went out and I spent many a day hugging my pillow trying to get comfy. Now that was not fun! My chiropractor took care of my problem and I'm once again able to give my hubby hugs without pain attached! Yippee, hooray, zip-pity-do-dah!!!

Okay talk to ya later. I've got a book review coming up later today or in the next few days, so check back soon...



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