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ANWA Member since Oct. 2003 - Chapter President of "Write to the Point" writing group.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Doing the best that we can...

Well, the poem I shared yesterday I've revised a little, but it's still the same basic poem. I hope you enjoyed it.

Today's thought is this: "When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another." --Helen Keller

I'm continually amazed at the impact that we have on each others lives as friends and family. I belong to a writing group called ANWA (American Night Writers Association) and the women in that group are regularly impacting my life and helping me reach to new heights. This blog is one of them; Not being so afraid to share myself with others is another.

Over the years I have met many marvelous people that have wrought miracles in my life, even though sadly some of them I've lost track of. Betty Kille is one I've lost track of but she's one woman that I will forever cherish in my thoughts for the miracles she brought to me when we lived in Alaska 40 years ago and I had my twins. She unwaveringly and unselfishly came to my aide on a daily basis. You see I had a two year old son, and a thirteen month old daughter when I was surprised with the pre-mature birth of twins that I had no idea I was carrying. Betty came over and helped me fold diapers (before the world of Pampers) and take care of my little family. She was my friend in the true sense of the word, not only did she help me physically but she gave me mental support through her loving kindness... She's an awesome woman that I will never forget even though I've lost track of her!!!

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